Just about this and that

How exciting would it be to get back in touch with an old friend?

This Saturday,I received a call around noon time. It was the excited voice of my mother : "do you remember that friend of yours? Her dad..." and then I lost the connection. Sitting thousands of miles away from home, only triggered all negative thoughts on what my mother was about to say. She called again within few seconds and thankfully put a fullstop to my wild speculations. Apparently my friend's dad had visited my house to get my contact info, as I had lost touch with the girl. This girl was a close buddy from school days, got married quite early, shifted places a dozen times eventually losing contacts with me. She had very sweetly sent her dad to my place to know how I've been. Numbers were exchanged, calls were made and we sank into sweet memories. I felt cared for, and happy.


How exasperating this could be?

Couple of hours later, I signed into the few social networking sites that I am a silent member of. While browsing through the ever interesting friend suggestions, I happened to see couple of names that I had already added months ago. Some have ceased being friends with me probably, as I've been deleted from their lists, and the poor software, innoccently prompts them as suggestions! Seriously, things couldn't get more kiddish. I felt bad; for maybe around 5.5 seconds.. (Thank you Almighty for the busy life that you've given me). Not responding or acknowledging is EVEN more kiddish. I'd rather someone add another as a friend, only if they want to know and want to continue to know them. But hey, that's just my 2 cents.


Smita said...

That was so sweet!!! I mean making an effort to get in touch!!!

As far as social networking sites are concerned, I feel it was a platform to get in touch with old frenz and if they really matter to you would be in touch with them offline!

What say?

couchpapaya said...

ah u have become acquainted with the 2009 dictionary word of the year - unfriend.


i'm mostly off social networking sites nowadays, i find them tiresome. as smita says we would be connected offline too if we were really 'friends' so such things dont bother me too much. but yeah, i agree with the adding bit and unfriending just seems childish.

Ava said...

It is such fun to get in touch with old friends. Glad you were able to find yours.

WhatsInAName said...

So the bubble bounced in joy on meeting old friend :) its surely a wonderful feeling.
As for unfriending ha ha, CP commented what I had thought of. If possible do read the latest post by Usha. Her blog is http://agelessbonding.Blogspot.com

Bouncing-Bubble said...

Smit-that's right. I'm a bit puzzled abt adding n number of people, only to delete them on a later date.

cp-rofl. unfriend? what a term eh? that article was really interesting

Av- it was great. spoke to her after a decade almost.

Wian - :)bubble hops and skips to that link NOW!

Bhargavi said...

sooo cute !!! there arent too may people who would go to this lengh=th to find out abt long lost friends !

Angel's Flight said...

Wonderful...meeting up with an old pal!!

I agree about the 'unfriend' word of the year! totally applicable!

I am on two sites...but they are more cumbersome than anything!

ambulisamma said...

i jumped into urs from boo's babytalk.attempt to reconnect is really gr8,i guess everyone has this kind of moment sometime in their life,when a reconnection happens.